Homemade Brown Bread Recipe with yeast

Hello friends, welcome to our blog. Today in this article we are going to tell you all in detail about Homemade Brown Bread Recipe with yeast. All the steps are given, after reading them you can easily make brown bread sitting at home.

All the doctors and physicians say that refined flour is not good for our health. This can be why brown bread has become so famous in recent days. Brown Bread, means bread prepared from wheat flour. In this bread, wheat flour is used instead of Refined flour, which is very good for your health.

This bread can be prepared at home as well. This bread is also given to children in a school tiffin Or also can be used for office lunch, and we also eat for our breakfast.

If you are also interested in having a healthy breakfast, then you can eat brown bread by applying jam or butter on it. Not only healthy , but it is also very good in taste.

Ingredients needed to make Brown Bread

Ingredients needed to make Brown Bread
  • Wheat flour: 2 cups
  • Oil: 2 tbsp
  • Activity/dry yeast: 2tbsp
  • Salt: 1/2 tbsp according to test
  • Suger: 1 table spoon powderd sugar according to test

Above is the ingredient needed for the brown bread.

To make the brown bread following things must be done.

First of all, Pre-heat the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. After doing that, follow the following steps.

Step: 1

First of all, take a cup of lukewarm water. Mix dry yeast well in that lukewarm water. Now leave this yeast mixture to set for 10 to 15 minutes. Now you will see that after 10 to 15 minutes the size of the dough has doubled.

Step: 2

After this, for making bread, you will have to knead wheat flour. For this, you will have to take a big vessel and put two cups of flour in it. And in that flour you have to add salt and sugar one by one. After adding all the ingredients, you have to mix all these ingredients well. You have to sift the flour once with the help of a sieve so that all these ingredients mix well.

Step: 3

Now you have to mix that yeast mixture with this flour and sugar mixture. You can also add water little by little.

Step: 4

Now you have to add some oil to this mixture and knead it well.

Step: 5

Now you have to rest this kneaded dough for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, this dough will double in size.

Step: 6

Now you have to take one container. You have to apply some oil in that container. And the bread mixture has to be set well in the container and given a rest of 2 hours. Then you will see that this mixture has doubled in 2 hours.

Step: 7

After 2 hours you have to bake the brown bread in a pre heated oven at 220 degree Celsius for 15 to 20 minutes.

Step: 8

When the brown bread has been baked well, take it out of the oven and let it cool for some time.

Your brown bread is ready in a few steps while sitting at home. You have to work little hard to eat a healthy meal. Eat delicious brown bread with your friends and loved ones. This Bread is not only yummy but also it is believed to be very nutritious.

Also Read: Best Banana Bread Recipe – Easy and Healthy


In this article, we have told you about Homemade Brown Bread Recipe and also explained in detail how you can make bread for yourself sitting at home. We hope that you must have liked this post of ours. If you liked the post, then share it and if you face any problem in this article, then please tell us by commenting. We will try to answer all your questions.

FAQs: Homemade Brown Bread Recipe

1. Does brown bread contain any vitamins and minerals?

Yes, brown bread contains vitamins, minerals, and fibre, and that is claimed to be very good for health.

2. What are the benefits of eating brown bread?

Benefits of having brown bread include that it regulates the blood sugar level; some people also believe that it reduces cholesterols.

3. Which is more harmful to health: brown bread or normal bread?

Out of brown bread and normal bread, normal bread is injurious to health. But if someone consumes brown bread in excess, he may also have to face diseases like stomach aches, gas, etc.

4. Is brown bread available only in shops?

No, brown bread can be made at home as well.

5. What is the percentage of carbohydrate and fat in brown bread?

Brown bread contains 68% carbohydrates and 12% fat.

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